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tv   [untitled]    March 9, 2011 10:00pm-10:30pm EST

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kaiser report. but can they learn a show where they get the real headlines with none of the mercy or to live out of washington d.c. now tomorrow marks the start of peter king's radicalization of muslims hearings on capitol hill but today we're going to look into king's past and his support for a terrorist organization then all eyes are on n.p.r. for the public radio station has become the center of attention for all the wrong reasons but we want to know about the money issue should n.p.r. stop receiving federal funding have a debate then the list is out giving out the who's who of billionaires we'll have
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details on who made the forbes list and how it's a huge side of the disparity between social classes and lincolnton used to grow then deaths are on the rise in afghanistan as a u.n. report states the last year was the deadliest for afghan civilians well find out how this plays into our strategy of winning hearts and minds and is the da playing politics when it comes to marijuana we'll tell you about a move by the feds that would benefit big pharmaceutical companies while keeping all other marijuana users hanging out to dry the tails on all that and more but first let's move on to our top story. republican peter king has no problem sharing his views on the dangers of muslims in america and tomorrow he takes his warren is long to capitol hill where he'll begin hearings to investigate the radicalization of muslims now king the chairman of the house homeland security committee says that it's all for the purpose of protecting america but many activists say that this
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investigation is nothing but a new version of mccarthyism scaling poorhouse the story. half a decade ago during america's second red scare this was the accusation to answer. rather than a little over the top today it's this one muslim leaders are not doing enough to cooperate with law enforcement there's actually been instances of instructing people in their must not to cooperate with law enforcement accusations. disloyalty subversion treason made not by some pundit you're a wonder of from radical islam in france like. neighborhood you live in and a mafia operates there are but by the chairman of the congressional homeland security committee republican pete king who is launching his highly publicized hearings on the radicalization of muslims in america we know how evil was enemy is and we have to confront it and it's a principle to all muslims when we don't single out islamic terrorists it's almost
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like we are afraid to insult muslims because we're targeting the terrorists remember it but king dismisses the critics who say the hearings unfairly single out muslims. criticism seriously because they're just mean jerk liberal left wing reaction and this is the politically correct establishment despite criticism from the right and the left at the mere announcement of it hearings king says he won't back down begin to name names we're going to have expert witnesses and we'll do what we have to do which worries critics like history professor alan tracker we've always had our scapegoats today it's muslims in the one nine hundred fifty s. it was communists they say that congressman from new york is following in the footsteps of the senator from wisconsin joseph mccarthy focusing on people's associations in this case religious rather than political but calling them.
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in public and exposing them to some kind of sanctions whether it's just e-mails whether it is five dismissals a workplace sanctions a man i'd do it so that despite muslim leaders cooperation with the f.b.i. they're continuously viewed as the enemy especially since the end of the cold war the worse thrives on war and it throws of conflict. we're for. peace so we became. the new carmen is according to a department of homeland security study islamic extremists are seen as a threat in thirty one states while neo nazi and white supremacist cells groups left out of king's homeland security hearings are seen as a threat in all but four when we talk about terrorism in the united states what the who have been the terrorists you know some poor pathetic nut in arizona
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timothy mc fade oklahoma city these are the people who are killing americans no. muscle on the right and the left the epithet mccarthyism are troubling last month he also introduced the see something say something designed to prevent citizens for lawsuits when they report suspicious activity but critics say it amounts to little more than informing on each other much as they did during mccarthyism and the cold war healing ford r. t. washington d.c. . tomorrow peter king's muslim radicalization hearings begin on capitol hill but today let's take a moment to look at this man's own background when it comes to supporting so-called terrorists king was a fervent supporter of the ira also considered a terrorist group and in one nine hundred eighty two he said we must pledge ourselves to support those brave men and women who this very moment are carrying for the struggle against british imperialism and the streets of belfast and derry
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three years later he said if civilians are killed in an attack on a military installation it is certainly regrettable but i will not morally blame the ira for it but if civilians are killed and a jihad is attacked is he going to morally blame the american muslim community for its perhaps peter king is lucky that no one ever held hearings on american ira sympathisers now there are a lot of questions as to whether this man considering his past should be heading the homeland security committee and about who we deem to be a word. the terrorist are one worth investigating versus those who wishes to support her discuss with me is matthew just national security adviser at the center for american progress thanks so much for being here tonight first of all walk us through exactly how fervent of a supporter of the ira was asked was you you just said you just steve's and close from him he was a real supporter a very vocal supporter but opponent of british presence in ireland and a supporter of terrorism attacks as as you just said attacks that killed civilians
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including american civilians so he's he's down with them he totally agrees with their cause he'll still stay it to this day but you know can you imagine what if there had been hearings back in that day on you know sympathizers with the our a with the ira we can be locked up in jail probably to this day as we still speak it's a good question but i think it really goes to the way in which especially since nine eleven this term terrorism has become a political weapon it's often thrown around as if once you declare someone to be a terrorist that's all you need to know there's no reason to really understand what's motivating them or what kind of generates their decision to become a terrorist it's just this kind of catch all for people who we don't like criminals we don't like but can't you also say perhaps a terrorist is someone that wants to you know inflict harm on civilians right these are people that want to do damage so is there really such a difference if you are an i remember and you want to bomb or do something you know
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that my kills innocent civilians versus being a jihadi terrorist that might perhaps kill civilians right i mean the generally understood definition of terrorism is the use of force or threat of force against the civilian population to achieve a political goal so clearly the irate falls under that definition hamas hezbollah all these other organizations are kind of that we use that term against but as peter king seems to believe that causes he believes it and it's ok and that's the real distinction as far as i'm able. why was that ok as a whole would you say on the american frontier why weren't there hearings about this because we have such a large irish population in america itself and chris matthews was saying yesterday if that was done forty years ago it would have been called the progress. i think program is probably a little bit too strong a term but i think i think what you just said i mean there is a large and very vocal and active irish american community in this country and and they were often at odds over this but there was
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a sizeable portion of that community that supported the cause of the ira that supported the irish cause of getting the british out of ireland and we're seeing something very different in the muslim american community right now is that these are people who have them they don't have the kind of political voice in the political muscle right now not yet but the irish americans did and the debate in many ways looks very different than the over over irish terrorism did in the one nine hundred eighty s. and ninety's do you think that considering peter king's history and his past he should be in the position that he's in now to be chairing this homeland security committee well i think he probably shouldn't be in this business just because he's made such a circus of this whole thing he said very very offensive and i think it unfair things about american muslims he said there's too many mosques in the united states i don't know what you mean he is i think we've seen a very recent study that shows people who are more active in their mosques are actually more active in the american political system but i think one lesson that should be lost from peter king's relationship and support for the ira is the
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importance of bringing terrorist groups into the political process now i think would be a real shame about less than was lost eventually there were contacts made peter king himself played a role in making those contacts between elements of the irate that were ready to negotiate and coming to an agreement and ending the violence now it doesn't seem like he's someone who is at all sympathetic to that sort of position in relation to you know in relation to muslim terrorists and i think that's a real shame so you mean working with the american muslim community trying to help these people you know tell them they are. just in working with them they want to cooperate you know making them want to of course work out already has instead of holding hearings on capitol hill but i think i would i would refer to the importance of talking to terrorist groups more as you know some groups like hamas and hezbollah these groups that we've just refused to talk to and if you even raise the idea of talking to them and bringing to them into a political process then you kind of that's kind of out of bounds of the american political process in relation to the american muslim community i think it's very different we've already seen great cooperation notwithstanding what peter king
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himself claims he claims that they're not helping enough i think there was a report from the triangle center at duke university which showed that over a third of arrests post nine eleven. terrorist arrests have come from tips from the muslim american community they are engaged they are there doing what they need to do but it's important you know not to target this community because that will only lead to greater alienation and frankly greater radicalization and really quickly you brought up their report that said actually being a member of a mosque being a member of any kind of church leads to more so that you can give more details in that report you know these were two scholars this was one scholar out of the university of chicago i believe another from harvard who did the biggest study of its kind of the american muslim community and it showed that greater engagement in mosques and greater religiosity attract with greater belief in american democracy greater engagement of the american political process and this is a real it's a rebuttal and i think a decisive rebuttal to the claims of people like osama bin laden and other extremists who claim their true islam is incompatible with democracy in american
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civic life it shows that these people who are conservative very committed religious muslims are the most engaged in american politics in american democracy and i thank you very much for joining us and of course tomorrow the hearings begin and we will definitely be covering thanks. now i'll take the story one step further remember that peter king is a congressman meaning that he represents the people of new york which also includes a large muslim population and add more irony to the issue muslims from his district . claim the king useful embrace their community that is up until the attacks on nine eleven so why the drastic change archie is growing up our nine takes a closer look at it too faces of this new york congressman on. friday. a familiar sound of worship echoes from the islamic center of long island. oh it's a place of prayer education and community service for many of long island's seventy
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thousand muslims it's also a place where u.s. congressman peter king spent years building bridges with american voters. supporters who today remain shocked that king labeled their mosque a hotbed for extremism that should be put under surveillance to have attended our beddings also and we have been to his office many times what it will be needed and it. how deep ahmed is chairman of the long island center that sits just outside the boundaries of king's third congressional district amid fears the man he once fundraise for they currently be the strongest force fueling the flames of islamophobia in america safety and security of my community is my biggest concern and trying to create probably a. guy doing these things during his early days as congressman king was often seen at the islamic center on long island giving lectures holding book
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signings even serving as the main guest of honor when the prayer officially open officials say since september eleventh two thousand and one the u.s. representative has not stepped one foot inside this building these limits center unanimously condemned the event but king cut ties with the institution after two officials were quoted denying muslim involvement and linking israel to nine eleven . in the united states instead peter cave recently appointed chairman of the powerful house homeland security committee has announced congressional hearings on a legit hit in radicalism among american muslims and mosques. a drastic turn that has brought fear to king's constituents he generalize. and realize in a very broad way and you know way that that will not serve.
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the american well for even our side or for my states it has been very disturbing especially when the population of muslims alternation in the long island community is growing substantially looking for support. congressman king has said that most muslim leaders in this country aren't cooperating with authorities yet no member of this long island islamic center has ever been accused of terrorism. muslim americans in this community are appalled that their very own u.s. representative is targeting them based on their religious beliefs there are extremists in every every community every religion i mean you know why just islam what does he have to gain from it either a personal vendetta or maybe something to gain in the politics of this is not a fear people are really angry and shows this to because the burden falls on
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our shoulders to really experience experience for you in a country of tolerance a new york community left feeling isolated and marginalized by the man they once rallied behind. r.t.e. new york. still to come on tonight's show n.p.r. under fire again the chirpy wants finding holes in the network after an executive calls the tea party racist whole debate whether or not taxpayer money should be used for n.p.r. and other media outlets interest in the. h.r. and her broadcasting live from washington d.c. coming up today on the big picture a. new
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website with twenty four seven live streaming news towns like to do about it ongoing financial hardship unlimited free high quality videos for download. in stories you never find on mainstream news. nothing will sell me the political. posting more on r t the last. leg of her flimsy low in fact he has told rachel that he is a women nothing people are suggesting she's a mother no she says she's a porn star. ledger
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lead. the lead. the lead. he wears tonight i bring you the latest news that has is a lot of folks all over america in quite a tizzy you know the network al-jazeera the arabic channel that also has an english channel right here in the u.s. all rumor has it that they're working on a new project and this one is geared towards kids that's right it's going to be the al-jazeera kids channel and people are already up in arms about programs that
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they're going to be airing and we actually have a clip of one of those shows so it's to be about the crusades but told from the perspective of a muslim warrior. and i have. to go home. ok so that show just looked like something you might see on a p.b.s. kids program but surely they've got many many more shows relating to muslims portraying them as normal kind human beings comic i mean what is this world coming to first they try to portray muslims as normal people then what's next talk about the qur'an and on top of that al-jazeera is already becoming popular in america thanks to its thorough coverage of events like the egyptian revolution and how it's got the credit america people are probably going to come out saying that this network is
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a good way to expose children to various cultures all over the world like is law i'm sorry i've got to take a break obviously i'm getting really worked up over this but all joking aside the children's network is set to debut at the end of two thousand and twelve and it's going to be offering up original programming as well as other shows dubbed into english and aside from the conservatives that are freaking out about this news i'm going to channel might help children gain more open minded view of the world. the more you know the better off you are. now this week james o'keefe the now notorious prankster who took on acorn struck again with n.p.r. this video of ron schiller the then fundraiser for n.p.r. who has since resigned. this. takes time thank you. i mean. explain. why.
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it's scary. i'll say n.p.r. president vivian schiller resigned after reportedly being pushed out by the board of directors and this all comes at a time when the republican led congress is actively pushing the cut n.p.r.'s funding so it makes us ask is n.p.r. a liberal elitist now peace that all taxpayers shouldn't have to pay for or doesn't even really matter is this just a larger push by the g.o.p. to take out everything associated with the other party and its issues join me to discuss it as benjy sarlin capitol hill reporter for talking points memo and christopher the president of the young conservative coalition gentlemen thank you both for joining me tonight first of all what do you think of this move by n.p.r. was it a wise decision are they showing everyone that they do have i think they're not exactly p.r.
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geniuses i mean this whole thing was kind of a bit of a stumble at the gate first they said they were appalled by the comments then they put the two people in the video and i'm going to straight to believe then the c.e.o. resigned very unexpectedly and suddenly i mean all this is very very defensive crouch throughout throughout this whole thing do you think it very clearly on the defense here chris i think there definitely are a well deserved to be on the defense for the type of things to show or said in the video there i think there is claims to be upset about but what is there to be upset about the. that there is one person who no longer works at the organization that may have expressed these he was which were his personal opinion you know i had a how does that necessarily mean you have to be angry with everything to n.p.r.'s well i think you have to look at from an overall picture that presently. there is a predominately liberal bias in there and that network i look at it f. presently america has three primary news networks about a dozen cable news networks we have a fourteen trillion dollar deficit the american taxpayer still needs to foot the
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bill for n.p.r. i just think at a time when you know only two percent of the funding comes from the federal government even ron schiller said himself we don't even need it to mean we can survive without it and you know even agrees with that to president obama's bipartisan deficit commission and even stated that they shouldn't limit the funding and save the taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars but here you've opened up what i don't quite understand is your problem with the fact that n.p.r. is taking federal money or is your problem with the fact that you think n.p.r. has a liberal bias well i think about it i think the better question to ask is why. i'm not asking this question if i say no answer my question for you then you can tell i think i think you should ask the federal government why are they funding predominantly partisan organizations like planned parenthood or acorn i think that's a better question and i don't want my tax money going to pay for those type of organizations i just was saying it's silly to characterize them as partisan though i mean n.p.r. is just not it just isn't partisan that's a very specific definition usually would only be applied to the most extreme cases
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fox news on the right to a lesser degree but still probably you can make an argument m.s.m. d.c. on the left is growing more that way n.p.r. as you saw from this incident actually is very takes very seriously this idea that people say they're biased if you notice when there's anything even hinting in that direction maybe if we fire everyone the c.e.o. steps down that's because unlike other networks they really value that their neutrality in these issues they take it seriously i mean i think can be our n.p.r. has a slight left leaning to him. i'm not going to deny that at all but the fact that acorn and planned parenthood are now considered democratic parties in the left leaning organizations i never knew that providing you know health services for a lot of people out there so they can get cancer screenings h.i.b. test either as t.v. says has anything to do with one political party or part of i guess i don't think there's anything wrong with a news organization reporting the news the way they want i just don't want the federal government and i agree with ben i mean what happened there they do take
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steps but at the same time they don't need federal funding in two thousand and eleven so if they want to be you know an organization that takes money from wherever and wherever they want that's just on the american taxpayers' dime so when you think that n.p.r. should shouldn't take taxpayer money anymore well they've obviously said in this video that they could survive without it but there's the n.p.r. fight is in many ways symbolic though i mean you're absolutely right we're at this period where america is really debating serious spending cuts and there's a lot of debate on both parties about what's best so to needly go out and target like you said planned parenthood n.p.r. these are these things which actually don't amount to a lot of money at all in the grander scheme and we're talking about one point seven trillion dollars deficit this is small potatoes they're really just they're mostly poke at democrats you know in the eye and say like look we can pull you out of some of your you know things that are traditionally these kind of cultural war battles you could say we're serious about cutting spending what are your gender by the new republican led house to get rid of these democratic organizations as you like to
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call well they're not democratic they're just the kind of things i was i was just an easy chris is a statement here but i mean it there is this larger idea that you know they're kind of giddy to finally be in this position where they're back in control of one chamber of congress and they get to finally pay back their supporters who really don't like a lot of these groups and say look we're going after things you hate so i mean i don't think it's very productive in terms of actually bringing down the deficit but it certainly is productive for the. politically how how is this productive towards bringing down the deficit why retargeting perhaps bigger issues bigger programs or a lot more money is spent well i agree but biggest thing that we need to tackle is inside of a reform which is about two thirds of the budget but i ben makes a point you know a lot of people just a small little percent here a little percent there that is the federal government funding thousands of projects here all these little projects add up to eventually now we're at fourteen trillion dollar deficit so we have to start looking at these programs and have to start
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making some hard decisions what does america need what can we live without and she thousand and eleven we don't need another cable news station nothing against a secret wonderful news station but i'm saying we don't need a federal government funded you know i'm paying for it i don't have it. and what do you think you know does it is n.p.r. something that serves the vital role does it actually benefit americans mean i think you know when you have opposition like fox news out there which does this information viewers if you look at some of these polls right fox viewers think that there were w m d's in iraq hocks viewers think that sharia law is creeping up on america and all muslims want to somehow instate it i think you need something like n.p.r. to count very well the argument from advocates is that n.p.r. maybe not as a counter to fox news say but at the very least that creating reason given how they are doing as a nonprofit in their funding from a variety of sources does give them a certain kind of independence they don't go for the most sensational thing they don't have to go for things that might offend advertisers and same way as other
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networks might have issues so there's no doubt they're doing very high quality stuff too i mean i think few people would deny whether or not you're alleging bias but the level of reporting they're doing is really in terms of radio reporting unmatched i mean these are truly some of the best programming out there in the country the last word i would counter your argument by stating that fox news does have some competition it's called. c.b.s. and b.s. and b c s n b c c.n.n. and all the other liberal. stations that are out there so little fox news farting against the entire world for the very tiny nearly gave me a break i see that a lot of the day it's about the bubble though it's about those are all the same model of advertising driven they're very much for profit and it colors the coverage in a lot of things it's nice having space for p.b.s. n.p.r. something that maybe take a step back and focus on where is there coverage that people are missing out on me not being as in as much as i balls or as much advertising dollars but it's valuable
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coverage there are you guys i want to thank you both for joining me very much and i'll see where this goes but i bet that there's a more you know right leaning version of n.p.r. republicans would not be trying to defund it ok come on tonight's show because he loved his country so much he cheated on his wife more than a politician is trying to make that hilarious argument in tonight's full time award and civilian deaths in afghanistan are on the rise tonight we're asking how can the u.s. win the hearts and minds of the afghan people when they're the ones paying the price i cannot. what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions to break through get through it if you have made who can you trust no one who is your view with the global mission where we had a state controlled capitalism school sessions when nobody dares to.


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